Trophy Solo Rules

Up until Saturday, the game Trophy had slipped past without me noticing. It was released as an article in Codex Dark 2 ($7 on DTRPG) and expanded upon in Codex Gold ($9 on DTRPG). Trophy RPG is a collaborative storytelling game designed for single sessions. It is dark themed and designed to create a sort … Read more

Devil’s Staircase:Wild West is Live

Following a successful crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo at the end of 2019, Devil’s Staircase:Wild West [DS:WW] is now live on DriveThruRPG in both print and PDF. Right now the PDF is half price at $4.99 and free when bought in conjunction with the printed book, $14.99 for both. This was my first crowdfunding attempt and … Read more

IndieGoGo Devil’s Staircase

Devil’s Staircase Wild West [DS:Wild West] is now live on Indiegogo. This is my first attempt at crowdfunding and as such, I am really keen to make the campaign a success. It is painfully apparent that writing the game is by far the easiest part. I quite enjoyed the page layout process but the crowdfunding … Read more
