Dungeon Crawl Solo Getting your Printed Book (Lulu.com)

This is the second easiest option.

You will need to create a Lulu.com account.

Once you have confirmed your account, you will have a My Projects link in the lulu page header.

Start a new project

Now you are in a wizard.

You want print book.

Select Print You Book.

(if you choose publish your book you will get an error as you cannot use the same ISBN number twice, and the PDFs already have the ISBN included on the cover and title pages.

Give it a name, and the Category is Games.

Now you need to upload your interior file. This is the file Dungeon Crawl Solo – interior OBS.pdf

Drag and Drop the file onto the upload form and wait for it to upload.

You can ignore the 200 pixel warning. This only causes a problem if you choose the lowest quality settings when printing.

The size is US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

Page count 39

You now get to play with the options.

I designed this to be Color Premium, 80# Coated White, Paperback, Glossy

Fill in the options and you will be told the Print Price.

Now we need to upload the cover.

If you have chosen a different format to me the cover may need to be resized. You should be able to open the PDF in a photo editor and resize it. The supplied cover will work with the settings I have given above.

If you have any problems, lulu will tell you the correct sizes. The most likely problem is if you chose Saddle Stitch, different binding type, or different paper weight. This will change the thickness of the spine.

The easiest fix is to create an image of the direct dimensions and then take screenshots of the front and back cover from the PDF version. The front cover goes on the right, back cover on the left.

Check the preview, and then if your are happy, click Review Book.

On the final page, tick the Confirm Book Specifications and Files.

Add the book to your cart and you are done.


  • Lulu is the second print version that I set up so you will get these prints long before DTRPG is ready.
  • Lulu support more formats, including Saddle Stitch – if you are prepared to play with the files you can change the format to either reduce the price or make yourself a shelf full of hardbacks!


  • More expensive than DTRPG or Amazon
  • Printing is only in the USA, so shipping can be expensive.

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