Getting your print book through is very easy, but it is the slowest option.
With Amazon you need to wait 72hrs before you can order a proof, with DTRPG it can take up to 7 weeks!
Pre-pandemic it used to take about 10 days, and I hope that it returns to that speed again.
The process for you is really simple.
I submit the print files to Lightning Source, via DTRPG, when I create the product page. As soon as it has gone through all the processing stages, I will be able to give you a link to order an at cost copy.
This is identical to the discount links on the Back Catalog page. It will take you directly to the DriveThruRPG shopping cart, with the at-cost print book pre-loaded. You can then complete your order and get the book delivered.
- Very easy
- Incredibly Slow
- Announcements from DriveThruRPG have said that there will be a drop in quality soon.