Designer Diary: Post Kickstarter

The campaign has ended, and I am very happy with the result. I am not entirely sure how much money I will get at the end. I know the platform fees are 5%, but you also pay the card transaction fees. This could be a downside to offering cheap/smaller tiers. Proportionally the fees could be higher.

I believe that I will get the final total 20 days after the project is finished. I make that 12th of August. For now, there is nothing more for me to do except post the occasional update and field any questions.

Things I will do differently next time will be:

  • I will pay for advertising. I regularly see people suggest that the return on advertising spend being between x2 and x5. I would have to spend out on advertising, and I would use a professional ad agency with KS experience. That will also cost.
  • I will do much more cross-promotion. I would look out for similar projects even before mine goes live and try and get the promotion working on day one and every day afterward. That is dependent on there being projects to cross-promote with, and them accepting cross-promotion. But, don’t ask, don’t get.
  • I will make sure that there is clearly added value for my higher tier, and I am planning a third tier as well. My $10 tier was by far the most popular. So I will try and have a $5 / $10 / $15 option available, still all digital, so I don’t need to handle international shipping.

Apart from that, I am happy with how everything went.

The next big step for me is to fulfill this project.

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