Designer Diary: 60hrs to go

By the time you read this, it is likely to be less than 60hrs to go. Between making the video and writing this I got called away to bang in some fence posts. No rest for the wicked, as they say.

Firstly, I cannot say how happy I am with how this KS is going. I set it up to be as close to zero stress as I could get it. I completed the adventure, submitted the print files, and got the proofs back, all before the project went live. That did mean that I spent out all the money beforehand, but Parts Per Million does not operate hand to mouth.

Working this way meant that the risks of the KS not being delivered were virtually nil. The only thing that could get in the way would be my sudden death. If that happened, Kickstarter rewards would not be my problem.

I set it up with virtual rewards, PDFs, and Print on Demand books, so I did not need to worry about fulfillment, print runs, and shipping worldwide.

I also didn’t want to spend any money on promotions. I wanted a baseline project to see what would happen if I did nothing.

The one thing I did do was respond to requests to cross-promote. I mention other projects in my updates, and they would do the same. I was approached twice, and I agreed both times.

This brought in 6 backers.

It is most definitely worth doing, and with my next KS I will actively look for suitable/similar projects to reach out to.

Bonus Benefits

As an unrelated benefit, I have gained a commission for solo rules for another project and have been added to the team. This, The Dark After Dawn, appears as a created project under my name. This makes me appear to have a bigger KS footprint. I am assuming this is a good thing, as long as it funds!

The commission is also hard cash, so that is never a bad thing.

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