Catch Up Video

It is not possible to keep innovating and learning new stuff, and work on supplements and adventures at the same time, and do everything in sufficient detail as to be of any value.

I have a couple of things that I am working on, but I simply do not have the data to either prove I am wrong, or prove that the idea is sound.

Ideally, I will prove the ideas are sound, and then I can move on to refining and improving.

Things I am working on at the moment are:

  • Adventure Writing & Audiences
  • Website SEO
  • Social Advertising
  • something else…

Another idea I am thinking about is a podcast. If I am creating audio versions of these designer diary videos, and I trying to spend less time directly referencing objects on screen, it probably makes sense to go the bit further and go for a podcast.

I need to look into the logistics of setting up a podcast.


Two hours after posting this, I got the green light from DTRPG to order the new print proof for Solo Adventures for Stars Without Number. That is done, so now we have a new countdown, will the new proof arrive, and be good, so I can turn the Print options back on, before the book becomes Deal of the Day.

The print cost has dropped by 40 cents, so that is a little more cash in my pocket.

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