Troika! Deck – take two

My Troika oracle deck has moved forward a fair bit since the video on Wednesday morning.

You are looking at the card back here. The art has changed quite a bit. The girl’s face/mask has gone, and I went for something a bit more geometric.

After having looked at that mask for a week I really didn’t like it.

I am quite enjoying the contrast between the slightly organic looking background and the clean lines of the cube.

The carb backs really serve no purpose beyond decoration.

The important bit is the card face, and those have evolved a bit as well.

The Card Face

The card faces still have the three dice, a suit, value and the prompts and answers from the One Roll Solo System by Karl Hendricks. That hasn’t changed. It is a perfectly functional solo engine.

What the cards have gained are three additional oracles. The Mien, Background and Magic.

These do not directly reference exact entries in the Troika rules, but are supposed to prompt your imagination.

For example, Giant as a background could mean an actual giant, a giant killer (as in Jack the Giant Killer) or someone who has fled from giants.

The Magic oracle could mean fixed as in held in place, fixed as in repaired or fixed as in cheating or contrived. It could even mean magical healing.

The Deck

The deck is now decidedly weird. You have the regular four suits, clubs, hearts, spades and diamonds. Rather than 13 cards per suit, 2-10 plus Jack, Queen, King and Ace, we now have 18 cards per suit. this gives 9 number cards and nine named cards per suit.

The new cards are the soldier, maid, courtesan, vizier and bishop.

Four suits, 18 cards per suit, gives 72 cards in the deck. That is enough to have every possible 2d6 combination twice.

When these get uploaded on Monday to here and DriveThruRPG, they will be print and play. There are instructions for how to print them and save some paper. At the same time I will be uploading the digital files for a real physical deck of cards. At the moment card printing takes forever for the test proofs to be delivered. The cards are coming, they are just going to take some time.

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