Fantasy Grounds Cut Up Module – progress

My first attempts at a FG modules were abject failures. The first one killed Fantasy grounds with its one big table of 16921 entries.

The second split the big table into 17 smaller tables and then randomly selected which table to roll on and then rolled on the sub-table. While this was functional, it filled the chat window with roll upon roll every time you wanted a new set of cut ups, and the cut ups either went to the chat window where they were lost in all the roll spam, or went to a story panel where they were effectively useless.

Version three is now up and running. I don’t have all the snippets in there yet but it is now a functioning sustem.

Please forgive all the completely unnecessary double slashes // and double semi colons. Those will not be there in the finished version. In this version they do highlight one feature.

What you are seeing here is the GM output which was added to the Chat by clicking each snippet.

There is one entry that says priests went masked. That one doesn’t have all the useless punctuation at the end. The reason for that is that you can edit the snippets before adding them. In this case, I cleaned up the rubbish at the end.

I have also added a character, my ever faithful Kallen – hero of many adventures.

When it is the players turn, the GM chat ends with What do you do? – the classic GM cliche.

Kallen’s response is obvious, and stands out in the flow.

We then get a second block of GM output, ending in another cleaned up end of sentence and a what do you do?

Story Template

The cut up tool runs off of something called a Story Template. Here you can see three rows of [cut] tables. Eventually there will be twenty rows here.

Below the snippet generators are the stock GM phrases.

At the bottom of the template is the important Generate button. When you click that you will get a new panel appear with 20 (eventually) snippets, and the two stock GM phrases.

Every click will give you a new panel of 20. You also get a forward and back button. It means you can cycle back and forth through the snippets.

To the right is an example of one of the panels. You can click the speech bubble to add the text to the chat window, or click in the text box to edit the text before you add it.

At the bottom of the panel is the back button.

That is the state of play of play right now. Tomorrow I can add in more snippets, and do a bit more formatting and layout.

I think it is certainly coming together.

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