
A Double Standard Mouse

My Rogue Handler is coming back next week, but as a completely system neutral book, aimed at any d100 modern setting Cthulhu game. This post is not about that, it is about something I noticed while updating the booklet. If you managed to buy the previous version, you will have seen the lists of things … Read more

Patreon Lives!

One of the biggest rewards from my Patreon is that you get my entire list of solo stuff for free, as PDFs. I started this morning creating DriveThruRPG discount links for every PDF. I am thinking that using DTRPG for fulfillment means that should anything happen to me or the Patreon, you will have the … Read more

Super Fun Week

As you all probably know, I am working on a booklet for Dungeon Crawl Classics. I have a self imposed deadline of about 50 days, during which I would like to get the mechanics sorted, playtest, write the booklet, send it to Goodman Games, get approval, Finish the layout with their compatibility logo, submit the … Read more
