
#RPGaDAY2020 Day 27 Flavour

One of the constant themes that runs through my gaming is that I try to keep the flavour of the game upbeat and aspirational. Recently, there has been a lot of interest around Wretched. A fellow creator I work with frequently produced several Wretched hacks, which I believe was Azukail Games first foray into solo … Read more

#RPGaDAY2020 Day 26 Strange

What could possibly be considered strange about sitting at home pretending to be an outcast monk plagued by visions of rampaging dragons? The answer is of course, absolutely nothing, we are roleplayers, we can do anything, and have already done most of it! This week has seen real life interrupted by a series of power … Read more

#RPGaDAY2020 Day 25 Lever

When I saw the Levers prompt I immediately thought to the levers a GM gets to play pull to modify the play style. Make combat more dangerous, just by playing mosters to their full ability, and you will change the game. Be mean with the magical loot and toys and the play style will swing … Read more

#RPGaDAY2020 Day 24 Humour

Humour in games tends to come in two varieties, spontaneous, created by the players, and GM created. More often than not, the second version falls flat on its face. Setting out with the intention of making something humourous is extremely difficult. I guess that is why most people are not comedians. PLayer created humour is … Read more
