Kal sat down in the public gallery overlooking the sheriff’s court. The ballistic glass between the the gallery and the court below showed the scars left by the outraged and the despondent few who have watched proceedings from here over the years.
Below, the nearly empty court paid witness to the divorce proceedings of Haldane and Freya Johnston. Haldane had been Kal’s closest friend since they were in the army together ten years back.
No one could afford representation, so it was just Haldane, Freya and the sherif. Haldane was furious, and a little desperate.
“You can’t keep me married to her!. Look, the scientists say that all the cells in our body is replaced every seven years. Literally not one cell in my body loves her! Not one bit of me that agreed to marry her is present in is court.. The same goes for her. Not one cell of that woman is the person I agreed to marry.”
The sheriff looks unimpressed but turns to Freya. Kal only got to know her once Haldane married her and Kal moved back to Zetland, maybe three years ago. “Mrs. Johnston, do you oppose the dissolution of your marriage to this man?”
Freya looks at Haldane and then to the sheriff, “I do, sir.”
The sheriff holds her gaze, willing her to fill the lengthening silence.
“E’s my treasure. E’s got a couple of gold teeth, the army gave him a titanium plate in his ‘ed, and they gave him a titanium hip. E’s worth more to me dead than alive. Once he is dead, I can sell the bits. I ain’t letting him go, or anyone else getting their hands on im.”
Kal could see the body language. The sheriff obviously just gave a sigh. “Mr. Haldane, when you married, you agreed to be bound until death. Unless you both agree to terminate the contract, there is nothing I can do. This case is dismissed. I do ask you both to try and come to some arrangement that is acceptable to both of you.”
With a bang of the gavel, Haldane’s hopes are crushed. Kal, gets up to leave. He has a friend to support.