Designer Diary: Working Title [Monsters Without Number]

I set myself the goal of running 12 kickstarters in 2023, knowing full well that this is highly unlikely. I thought 10 may be possible, but even that is touch and go. Any less than 8 and I would be disappointed.

So far, I have done December (which doesn’t count towards my goal of 12), January, February, and I have nearly finished the book for March. After each Kickstarter there is a 2 week dead period where you cannot fulfill the previous one until Kickstarter release the money (because people could still cancel their pledges) but you cannot start the next. The prelaunch->live->Fulfillment takes about 6 weeks, So 8 is possibly the best I can do.

I am expecting my March project to run well into April, meaning that April will be my first month this year with no KS to run.

I was talking about all of this with Marcus, who does my maps and adventure writing. He has created 40+ monsters for Worlds Without Number in the past year or so. We talked about it, and before I knew it, he had a 104 page book, first draft to show off with the monters, encounter tables and additional reference material. All it needs is the art.

Some of the art I have already made. I created it for the adventures when they first were released.

Some of the monsters use stock art.

My intention is to use this tutorial (which I am trying to convert to photoshop as I don’t have some of the options used in this video)

And then create the monster art for the Kickstarter. Even if I just apply the same filters to the stock art and the existing art as I use in the photobashing. At least everything will have the same look and feel to it.

That is the plan at least.

It also looks like I need to produce those 50 pieces of art by the beginning of May. No pressure then!

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