Designer Diary: Deal of the Day Pricing

Straight after making this video I submitted my next title to the DotD queue. When you do that, you get told the number of titles in the queue and it is currently 74.

This was the conversation that triggered this post.

So, each day they do a random draw to see which title wins the Deal of the Day. The draw is biased towards the exclusive publishers.

This list is my deals of the day. I almost always add a new title as soon as the previous one finishes (you cannot have two titles in the queue at once). If you compare the dates, apart from a couple of deals that happened almost back to back they are fairly consistently about 3 months apart.

I have blacked out the DriveThruCards as that is a completely different beast.

DTRPG ramped up the price at the Deal of the Day in the new year, it jumped from 750 to 1339 overnight. At that time it has 90 titles in the queue. Now the price is 958, and there are 74 titles waiting.

I don’t think that the price change has made any significant difference. People are still waiting so long that they are questioning whether the system works.

The deal of the day is still the only thing worth spending PPP on. The biggest problem is that every month DTRPG is creating millions of new PPP but at 950 x 31 days they are only burning through less than 30,000. So the market is jump flooded with PPP, so the price just keeps creeping upwards.

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