Good Progress Day!

It was the right decision to take a break from John Carter. Not only have a created the vanilla version of the W.I.O.N rules, which you should have got yesterday, but today I opened the John Carter file again and created the third panel of the GM Screen. I need one more panel and then source some art and then this done all bar the layout.

You may have seen some of the Solo Tips & Advice videos.

These came about because I saw some discussion about how shorter videos perform well on YouTube. Videos that perform well get boosted by YouTubes algorithm and that could be good right across the board.

I also want to become less dependent on DriveThruRPG. It is terrible business sense to have one income stream make up 80% of your revenue. That is the situation I am in at present.

I have diversified on to Lulu, Itch, Amazon and I have my own store. I also know of three more storefronts I will be using in future, I just don’t have the time to do everything.

Part of this independence drive is to build up my own mailing list, so I can tell people about products that are not on DriveThruRPG.

My main source of subscriptions to my mailing list is from my blog. So it made sense to put the advice and tips videos on the blog, where they give me fresh content on a regular basis.

One tactic to encourage sign-ups to mailing lists is to offer a free download, such as an ebook or that sort of thing.

I thought that I could turn these tips into a solo roleplaying advice book. I started with 12 tips in my list but that has since grown.

Last night I started writing up my advice book. This will expand upon the three-minute videos and the short blog posts.

You will soon get to see the first work in progress version. When it is done I will sell it on DriveThru and Amazon,  but you will get the finished book just like your regular patron rewards. 

All in all, I am feeling much more creative having taken that break.

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