I took a week out to go and see my family for the first time since the pandemic hit, and for my youngest daughter’s graduation ceremony. She completed her degree in 2020, but all the end of year stuff was cancelled.
I am now back, and the break has done me some good.
First, I have a cut up book for you this week. I will update the back catalogue post shortly, but here is the link for your free copy.
Secondly, while I was away I took Pulp Cthulhu with me. I have finished the reading and initial playtesting. I am now starting the writing up. I am using my Call of Cthulhu rules [Monophobia] as a base, but revising it for Pulp Cthulhu. It is also a chance to fix and update things that I do differently now. If everything goes smoothly, Pulp Cthulhu should be the next thing to publish.