Designer Diary Cut Up The Nine Unknown

I absolutely love getting emails from patrons, and newsletter subscribers. There is always a worry that stuff I write just disappears into the ether to never be read.

So, I got this email on the 28th of October, and as I am working on a longer project [Shadowrun] it is nice to have smaller things to mix it up a bit.

The book looks pretty cool, but I haven’t read it.

It is also Book 12 of at least 15 books. This means that there is a lot of scope for more books, or it the book is a little short, I can add in more text from adjacent books to give more snippets.

Cut up books are pretty quick to make. The front matter of the books do not change that much, the principles of cut up simple don’t change. There is a short sample play, normally just an opening scene.

If I create the cut ups today, I can play the game over the next couple of evenings to get a feel for it.

What really prompted this video/post is that this is my patreon working exactly as it should be. A simple cycle of request, create, release, and at the end of it I have discovered something new. Often these are things I would never have discovered on my own.

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