One of the biggest rewards from my Patreon is that you get my entire list of solo stuff for free, as PDFs. I started this morning creating DriveThruRPG discount links for every PDF. I am thinking that using DTRPG for fulfillment means that should anything happen to me or the Patreon, you will have the PDFs in your DTRPG library.
It took me two hours to make all the links and list them out. I hadn’t realised that there were so many!
I don’t really know what to expect from the Patreon. I have been looking at other creators in the same space and it looks like 10-30 patrons is par for the course, 100-200 is quite exceptional and the best of the best can get as many as 1000+ patrons.
Of course, I am going to aim for that 1000+ mark, there is absolutely no point in aiming low!
I may not know what to expect, but I know what I want to achieve. I am putting a lot of effort into becoming less dependent on just one site, DTRPG for my income. All your eggs in one basket is rarely wise. I want to diversify as much as possible. That is where Patreon sits in that philosophy.
What Patreon offers me is the potential for support, moral as well as financial, to create more solo tools. Added to inspiration for what to write for in the future.
This is just a beginning. Who knows where it may lead.