DG: Rogue Handler – teasers!

Yesterday, I did say that I wanted to bring you some screenshots of the book.

About 2 minutes after than my laptop overheated and things went a bit wonky, the touchscreen and touchpad both stopped working and doing page layout with out a mouse is possible but not fun.

Today, laptop is revived and behaving itself, and I have had a productive day.

I have finished art selection, and layout. The print files have been uploaded to Lulu and Amazon and proofs ordered for global distribution.

This book will be released as digital PDF on DTRPG and here, and in print here, Lulu and Amazon, all on Monday afternoon.

As so, here are a few screenshots so you can see the current set up!

The majority of the art has come curtesy of Kevin Crawford’s Silent Legions art pack. I have mixed this in with other art that I had collected. The lady with the motorcycle I have had for a while, but I couldn’t find the right place for her. This is her first outing!

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