Coriolis + Tales From The Loop Bundle of Holding


Free League sent out the following email this afternoon. $90 of books for $24.95 seems like a pretty good deal to me.

I just want to put a reminder out that if you pick up the Loop Collection, I have solo rules available for Tales from the Loop, and I will be publishing Coriolis solo rules soon.

You can find the Tales solo rules here.


Free League here. We just wanted to let you know that the excellent people at Bundle of Holding have just launched a massive PDF bundle of expansions for our award-winning RPGs Coriolis – The Third Horizon and Tales From the Loop. With 10 % of your payment going to the charity organization Direct Relief, you can get a great collection of PDFs at a bargain price, especially if you act quickly – the threshold cost to get the bonus collection will rise over the course of the campaign. The bundle includes the following titles:

CORIOLIS COLLECTION (US$14.95 – retail value $50)

Emissary Lost Campaign Book ($20)

The Last Voyage of the Ghazali Adventure Book ($10)

Aram’s Secret Adventure Book ($10)

Scenario Compendium 1 ($10)

If you pay more than this offer’s current threshold price ($24.95), you’ll level up and also receive all three titles in this offer’s Loop Collection (additional retail value $45):

Things From the Flood Sequel RPG ($25)

Out of Time Campaign Book ($15)

Tales from the Loop RPG Starter Set ($5)


PS. If you are new to these games and don’t already have the revived November 2018 Coriolis & Tales From the Loop Bundle now in progress, start there.


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