My first version of the cut up module was a dismal failure. There is an add on module that allows you to import CSV lists as tables. I was using that and imported all 16921 snippets into a single table. I thought that if the table imported, that would be the single biggest overhead.
I the table imported just fine. The problem I have hit is that every time I try and roll on the table, Fantasy Grounds just whites out and goes Not Responding.
This is not a great play experience. That is just a single roll as well. I was hoping to automate 20 rolls at once.
Version 2 is going to use 17 tables of about 1000 snippets each. These tables will be linked to a single table. You roll on the first one and that will then tell FG which of the 17 subtables to roll on. I will then try and automate that to repeat for the 20 snippets.
If that chopped up version works then I have the core of the cut up engine in place. It is then just a case of adding all the extra material to make the module fun to use.
I don’t think that will happen today. I have a game of Rolemaster to prepare for this evening, but tomorrow I want to try and crack this.
Of course, nothing is ever really simple. If I can build this module, I then have to learn how to upload it to Smiteworks so people and download it and use it.
The first module I created was for 5e and sold through DM’s Guild, which means of course that I didn’t have to do any of the selling side.
It is always fun to have to learn new things!
Selling through the Fantasy Grounds store is a little different. There’s more to upload; not just the module, but the campaign files, promotional text and images. Smiteworks will do all the setup at their end, on their own site and Steam; when you contact them, they’ll make you a Dropbox folder. Plus, the minimum price for a new module is $4.99.