#inktober Day 15 Cross Contours, and oh so much more…

I will start with today’s lesson. I really like cross contours. I get them, they make perfect sense. I may not be very good at them yet, but I get them.

And the other stuff

Anyone who reads this blog normally, knows that I never just have one thing going on at a time. So this is my train of thought. The ‘real’ #inktober has word prompts. When I saw it/them I thought I couldn’t possibly complete that. But now I have already suitably embarrassed myself with some terrible public drawing, there is no reason not to share other terrible drawing.

But, also…

When I wrote Trials for One, the solo rules for Index Card RPG, I really wanted to include some of the art by the writer, Hank. This is forbidden, Hank makes his money selling his art, so I totally get that.

In the ICRPG rules, there is this diagram for planning an adventure.

Which you take and add image prompts to to create the adventure, like this.

You will need to check the ICRPG core rules for the key to the numbers, but that is a great way of planning an adventure. It is pretty much a 5-Room Dungeon format.

When I wrote Trials for One, I couldn’t use the ICRPG art, so I used Game Icons in its place. So, my adventure plan ended up looking like this…

It works, don’t get me wrong, but it is not as stylish as Hank’s art.

I quite like the scribbly, sharpie drawn art style.

Continuing my train of thought. Those icons are pretty simplistic in style. Given my obvious talent level, even I should be able to create something like a game icon. If I could make my own, I wouldn’t be limited to the available game icons.

The first prompt in the #inktober list was Fish.

So, I went to game-icons.net and look for fish icons and got this one.

I don’t need two fish, so I thought I would try and draw one fish, and got this.

So technically, I have drawn the day one image of ‘fish’ for the real.

The second prompt was Wisp. My first thought was Fog, probably because of where I live.

There is a game icon for Fog.

Given my new and obviously profound understanding of art, what I am seeing here is a load of foreshortened squares all overlapping. I thought I could do that. I could also try out some of the other pencils.

So this is my #inktober Day 2 Wisp, being wisps of fog.

There is enough time for me to continue with the daily lessons, and at two a day, get the genuine inkober drawings done. What I am trying to practice is not so much realistic 3-d drawing but being spontaneous and actually creating stuff.

If I can create my own game-icon style images, and develop a house style, I really could use theses in a book. That was an impossible thought 15 days ago.

Mind you, it could be still impossible in two weeks time, but we will see.

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