5e Solo Fantasy Grounds Output Options

Yesterday I was talking about the different options for how to work the oracle. I started playing with building the tables today, whatever happens, I will need the random tables.

This table here is the basic 3d6 oracle. It looks particularly boring as there is no nice theme applied to it, its a bit grey, but it is functional.

Would you be interested in play testing a Fantasy Grounds Solo Oracle? Read Down

Where I was talking about showing the table and allowing you to roll it, effectively manually, you would be clicking the white/pale d20 icon.

What happens when you click it would be that the roll is added to the chat window. You can see it in the image below.

What you are looking at is the chat with the table that was rolled on [QandA], the individual die rolls 2, 4, 3, the total 9 and then the answer you rolled. In the first case No, because…

Each time I rolled on the table I get a full record.

In practice, you can use the chat window as your journal and roll on the table as you need to ask your questions.

In this example, you can see my question to the oracle “Is the corridor lit by torches?” which could be important if I need to fight something only effected by fire.

Then we get the oracle output, 2,6,5 = 13 and the answer of Yes, but… they are nearly burnt down and starting to gutter.

At this point we have a working oracle and journal, but there is another approach. That would look something like this.

You still get the question I asked but this time all the rolls and clutter is tucked away.

In this example I asked the question assuming 50/50 and the answer was a straight Yes.

The big difference is in the formatting of the output and how you will you operate the oracle.

This is where I am at the moment, trying to evaluate how to best generate the answers. Generating them is easy, and I can build them over this week. The big issue is always going to be making the oracle easy to use. That is where all my effort is going.

In tomorrow’s update I will hope to be able to demonstrate using the oracle with likelihood modifiers and complex questions.

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