Castles and Crusades Free PHB

You can get the Castles and Crusades Free PHB (Players Handbook) and free fiction from both the Troll Lords own website as well as from DriveThruRPG.

The bundle includes the Players Handbook plus The Houseless God and Other Tales.

Scroll Down for the link to the free download!

The player’s handbook covers character creation and an overview of the SIEGEengine, that sits at the core of Castles & Crusades.

I find this game particularly fascinating as this is the original OSR game, first published in 2004. It has since been in continuous revision and improving and I think it is now in its 7th printing, although I could be wrong.

The power of Castles & Crusades is the SIEGEengine. You can read about my adventures with this in my post on the upcoming solo rules, and in my playtesting post.

The player’s handbook contains everything you need to create a character and play the game. It also explains the SIEGEengine and how the target numbers are calculated. The Castle Keeper (GM) has their own book and there is a Monster & Treasure book to complete the trinity. The three can be bought together in the 3 Sisters Bundle.

If you only intend to play the game this free players handbook is probably all that you need.

Castles and Crusades Free PHB Link

This link will take you directly to the Free books on DriveThruRPG.

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