⚡Flash Fiction ‘Til Death Do Us Part

Kal sat down in the public gallery overlooking the sheriff’s court. The ballistic glass between the the gallery and the court below showed the scars left by the outraged and the despondent few who have watched proceedings from here over the years. Below, the nearly empty court paid witness to the divorce proceedings of Haldane … Read more

⚡Flash Fiction Bananas

This is my first piece of Flash Fiction. Bananas Kal spent much time on the roof, near the fire escape. The home was a two cubic meter sleep pod three floors down in the tenement. Up here, at night, the town was alive, and the sky was big. You could look down on the Holo … Read more

Flash Fiction Project

If you have seen my diary entries about how DriveThruRPG is fading as a storefront and how I wanted to experiment with DriveThruFiction, this post follows on from those. A quick resume: The new DriveThruRPG website has been optimized for the biggest publishers. It makes discovery extremely difficult for smaller indie publishers, which has hit … Read more
