There is always a danger that the efforts to sell more copies of existing stuff you have made eats up so much of your time that you don’t have enough time or energy to create new stuff. That creating stuff was why we get into this game in the first place.
If you can find ways to get more return for little effort, and then reuse it, that can be quite powerful.
What I have found is that my Solo Playing Tips videos are ticking those boxes. I create them for my Patreon. It takes 30 minutes to write them and record them. The thumbnail images for YouTube are a single template. I just copy and paste in the title and the tip. I can then schedule these to release throughout the week. Patreon will allow me to auto set a day for them to become public. It also has tools to share them to Facebook and Twitter. I can then share them manually to Instagram, and turn them from unlisted to public on YouTube.
I am trying to keep the videos very short so I can reuse them on Tiktok when I set up an account.
I also want to upload them as posts to my blog, and use the ‘share old posts’ plugin to feed them out to Twitter.
What I am building is a series of tips videos that are an asset I can reuse again and again in different places and times.
What I suggest is that you take what you can make easily, and repeatably, and quickly. And use this to try and drive a campaign.
Since I have been doing this, I have seen consistent gains across all my social channels, and in Patreon supporters. The returns are far greater than the effort invested.