This video is a little rambling, sorry about that!
To make life a little bit easier, I have extracted the main takeaways from the video into an easy bulletted list.
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There are two real themes in this video.
The first is that I found someone using the banner method of building your mailing list. In this case it is Earl of Fife Games, they are promoting their Heroes & Hardships quickstart. I mentioned this because, although I said I would demonstrate this so I could share the numbers with you, I have not had time to do it. I will try and get this done, so I can share real world numbers with you.
The second theme is social media. I am not a natural social media fan. If anything, I am enjoying creating the videos more than I would Facebook or Twitter. The gist of the advice is get started as soon as possible, use the networks that you enjoy because your enthusiasm will come across in your posts, and work out what each one is best for. They are not all good for the same things.