3Deep 2nd Edition Launched!

3Deep 2nd Edition Is now available to buy an is available from RPGnow, DriveThruRPG, Amazon and CreateSpace. Furthermore this is the first version to be available in print and PDF (from Drivethru and RPGnow). On Amazon you have the choice of print or kindle editions!

Latest 3Deep news

3Deep 2nd Edition is now at the printers and I am waiting for the proof copies to arrive. This edition will be the first to be available both on the OneBookShelf network (rpgnow/Drivethrurpg) and on Amazon. The new edition is a single volume game that includes updated versions of everything that is in the original … Read more

New TOM Encounters

For the past two months we have seen a steady release of new adventures and game master tools. All these can be found on RPGnow. Check out the PPM publisher page for more details. This site is being updated almost daily with the new products being rolled out!
